Thursday, August 13, 2009
See Helix Virtual Worlds for more Blogging
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Case Study: Intel's Embedded Conference in Second Life
Monday, June 8, 2009
Obama Administrator to appear in Second Life

Kevin Werbach, served on the FCC segment of the Obama transition team, remains as an Administrator as a part-time advisor on broadband issues.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Announcing Helix Innovation Hive Event
On June 25, from 7:30am to 10:00am, we are launching the Helix Innovation Hive and unveiling our first report, Virtual Worlds: A Universe of Opportunity. It will be held at the Toronto Cricket Club, with a complimentary continental breakfast:
1. Introduction: Helix Innovation Hive
In these disruptive times, we live in a world of great change and uncertainty. There are two major themes of particular concern today:
- b. Uncertain Career Assurance and Growth
Have you had to rethink your professional growth trajectory in light of the economic downturn? Helix’s Innovation Hive can help you develop and sustain your personal innovation leadership, while strengthening your network of professional contacts.
2. Launch: Report on Virtual Worlds
Helix is launching its NEW report on Virtual Worlds, titled ‘Virtual Worlds – A Universe of Opportunity’ at the event. The report, based on a two-year comprehensive research program, is designed to offer insights into the universe of Virtual Worlds. The complete 152-page report is priced at $2,999. You will hear from the authors of this report and also see a demonstration of Helix’s new Virtual World Conference Center. The Conference Center was officially launched in Ottawa with the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) on May 19 at the CATA Innovation Gala.
Reserve today to hold your seat at this exclusive event. We have limited seating for 48 people. The deadline for reservations is June 10.
Contact Alex Watson at:
Phone: 647-477-6254
Event Details
Date: June 25, 2009
Time: 7:30am to 10:00am
Location: Founders Room, Toronto Cricket Club
Address: 141 Wilson Ave., Toronto, Ontario;
Cost: None, complimentary continental breakfast will be served
The Helix team is looking forward to seeing you at our inaugural launch event of our NEW Helix Innovation Center and Virtual World offerings.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Help Support Local Canadian Television Stations

You can also Search Helix in Second Life and teleport to the Innovation Center
Helix and CATA announce their Canadian Innovation Conference Center in Second Life
- Virtual World Strategy and Benefits
- Customized Builds (Strategy to Run)
- Conferencing Services (Build or Rent)
- Customized Avatar Creations
- Customized Island Experiences
- Customized Market Research
- Marketing and Brand Campaigns
- Product & Marketing Solutions
- Training & Development
- Recruiting Experiences
Friday, May 15, 2009
CTV and CATA Call for Canadian Residents of Second Life to Protest at Parliament to Save Our Local TV Stations

CATA Supports Local Television; calls for “Virtual Protest”!
Ottawa, May 18, 2009 -- The Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance (CATA) has joined the call of Ottawa TV station CTV, to support local TV by calling for a review of how cable and satellite companies misuse content from TV stations.
“Basically, our local TV stations create the content, and the cable and satellite companies take it for nothing and get paid to do so,” said John Reid, CATA President. “This is a disaster for local High Tech companies, which often rely on their TV station for that all-important first piece of profile. Coverage is hugely important in establishing a reputation and product awareness. If the local TV companies falter, we will be facing another blow against High Tech -- which is already weak because of the economic climate. This system has to be fixed.”
CATA is calling on local High Tech companies to join the CTV petition, and to gather for a “virtual protest meeting” in Second Life. Second Life is a virtual 3D world where people can socialize, gather, chat and explore. CATA’s Second Life community is being championed by Helix Commerce International Inc.
In Second Life you can join us in front of the Parliament building at the newly opened, Helix CATA Canadian Innovation Center on Friday, May 22nd from12 Noon – 1:00 PM
SLURL: Be sure to join the CTV group to receive updates and show your support.
In the meantime, CATA is urging its High Tech members to join CTV Ottawa’s Open House at 1500 Merivale Road in Ottawa on May 23, 2009 between 10am and 1pm. This is the community’s opportunity to tour the facilities and meet the professionals who deliver local television, both in front of the cameras and behind the scenes.
“If you want to continue to have access to a powerful media platform, sign the online petition,” said Mr. Reid. He asked his members to visit to help keep local TV news and programming available in the community.
Memorial University is Recognized for Excellence in Innovation for Using Second Life

Memorial University just won an award recognizing their innovative use of Second Life for teaching and learning.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Weather Island

Its taken me a long time to get around to checking out the skiing on the Weather channel. What a scream. I am however a much better skier in RL than I am in SL. This is going to take a lot of practice. I think maybe I should stick to the ski lodge.
Friday, April 24, 2009
RMB City in Second Life

RMB City is developed by Cao Fei (SL: China Tracy) & Vitamin Creative Space. Facilitator: Uli Sigg (SL: UliSigg Cisse). Presenter: Serpentine Gallery.
After living in both China and Indonesia, I love seeing the ox pulling the broken truck cab.
Only in Second Life can you run a marathon in high heels.
Education in Second Life

I have toured around to many universities in Second Life, the list is long. Business, engineering, library, science, IT, legal, and distance learning departments are just a few who are taking advantage of the Second Life platform. The islands are being used for recruiting, training, teaching, lecturing, testing, and I have even talked in on meetings between professor and student in a virtual office of a professor, complete with credentials and family photos framed on the office wall. One school of business even offers retail space for students to create an SL business using information they have learned in their courses.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Upcoming Changes for Adult Content in Second Life

Second Life has always been an open environment where residents can explore and participate in a wide variety of activities. This has created a rather large amount of content inworld that makes Second Life an amazing creative virtual world. Along with this creativity has come a vast amount of "adult" and "fetish" content and activities.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Dr. Cindy Gordon - CIO Peer Forum

April 24th, Dr Cindy Gordon aka Sydni Lane in Second Life, will be speaking at the CIO Peer Forum in Toronto. Her speech will be broadcast live in Second Life at the Helix Virtual Worlds Innovation Center
Nokia Island

I spent time today with Digistar Brouwer, manager of the Nokia Island. Nokia has created some fun aps for inworld cell phones. For several months I have been using a Nokia N95 phone that has a poofer that sends out blah blah blah, busy, and BRB. It's a fun way to let other avatars in Second Life know that your avatar is busy. The latest Nokia phone has a Twitter ap, you can now send out your tweets while you are in Second Life.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Science and Innovation in Virtual Worlds

One of my favorite islands in Second Life is the Tech Museum of Innovation, based in San Jose, CA. After visiting the island several times in SL, I decided to use it as an example of innovation in my many virtual world presentations. While teaching a workshop at KM World in San Jose last September, I was able to visit the Tech Museum in Real Life. I was there a couple of days before the Leonardo exhibit was to open. I was very impressed with the Second Life (Virtual Worlds) display that they have created. I love the movement activity where you can stand, make motions and watch your avatar make the same motions. The Millennials are the first generation to grow in virtual worlds, this exhibit is a great hands on environment for children of all ages to learn.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Helix Virtual Worlds Canadian Second Life Developer

Helix Virtual Worlds is a division of Helix Commerce. We specialize in developing and building island experiences in Second Life, we are a full service consultancy with several web 2.0 experts on board. We have a full team of designers and developers in Second Life to build, script and create your virtual world experience.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
April Fools Announcement - Second Life Behind Company Firewalls in Alpha Testing
April 1, 2009 Linden Labs announced that their stand-alone version of Second Life solutions is available in alpha phase. IBM, Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), New Media Consortium (NMC), Intel, and Northrop Gramman are all currently using this install.
This is a server solution that is completely independent of the main Second Life environment.
It's now in alpha phase with plans for a limited closed beta phase in the summer and general availability later this year.
This is good news for those companies who like the 3D advantages of a virtual world experience but have concerns about the content that abides on Second Life. Training sessions, client interactions, knowledge transfer and conferences can all be conducted behind a company firewall.
Looking forward to seeing more as the in the box, corporate solution for behind company firewalls becomes available.
Hopefully this isn't a bad April fools joke.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Parliament Building

Several months ago we created the parliament building. Today we placed the building on the lower part of the Helix Commerce Island. The parliament building will be an Ottawa landmark for our Innovation as a Nation Island. Our building can be seen on Bountiful, Helix's Innovation Island.
Friday, January 30, 2009
CN Tower in Second Life

We have created the CN tower in Second Life. This is the first Canadian landmark that we are building. The Real Life Canadian Icon is located on Front Street in Toronto, Ontario and had maintained the title as the tallest free standing structure for 31 years. The tower is still the largest building in the Americas.