Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Make me Look Beautiful Like my Avatar

Over the past year my avatar creating skills have increased greatly.  I have nipped and tucked; edited and purchased; and tossed my head about watching my new flexi hair flow.  ETD and Hairspray island have been a great resource for my many hair styles.  I recently heard a lot of laughter when I took a picture of my avatar Kaline Hax to my hair dresser and said, "can you make me look like her?"  I am now sporting the same hair cut as my avatar.  Now all I need is to edit 20 lbs from my middle and we would be twins, Kate and Duplikate.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's Been a Whole Year of Second Life

It has been just over a year since the creation of my first avatar, ToriKate Beck. She was invited from Orientation Island to a meeting on Dr. Dobbs Island. ToriKate arrived at the meeting with her default Linden helmet hair, a tacky purple sweater and jeans. The other two attendees were gorgeous with their perfect long flowing hair, tailored fine clothing and freckled skin. I was invited to sit down and was given instructions to right click and select “sit” from my options available. I followed these directions but my avatar’s response was to plop herself down on the ground several feet away from her chair. It was after several more failed attempts and a case of the giggles before I was told to right click "on the chair" and select sit. I was totally exhausted before I planted ToriKate in her chair. Now on with this meeting.